Keenan & Co. Solicitors

Making A Will

Making A Will

A will is a legal document that dictates what happens to your assets after your death. If you die without a will, all your properties will be distributed according to Irish law. While it isn’t compulsory to make a will, doing so ensures the people you wish to provide for are benefited.

A will has no effect until death. Therefore, a new will can be made at any time. 

What is required in a valid will?

When making a will, solicitors are not always required. You can make your own will. A will can be made by anyone who fits the following criteria:

  • Should be at least 18 years of age on the date of signing. 
  • Of sound mind during the making of the will. 

Strict laws govern the signing and witnessing of the will. These need to be followed to make the will valid and enforceable. To make a will valid, it should contain:

  1. Your name and address. 
  2. A clear statement revoking all prior wills. 
  3. Appointment of one or more executors. 
  4. Signatures and names of two witnesses with the date. 
  5. Your signature or mark at the end with the date.
writing a will

What are the benefits of making a will?

There are three main benefits to making a will:

  1. Your wishes: Making a will is the ideal way to make your wishes known. It ensures that your possessions are treated in a manner approved by you.
  2. Providing for the family: If you are unmarried or don’t have a registered civil partner, your spouse or partner cannot inherit the estate. However, a will ensures that you can support your spouse even after death.
  3. Children’s future: Making a will ensures you can secure your children’s future. Wills can highlight all aspects of their inheritance until they come of age. The will ensures their inheritance isn’t lost or spent before they need it.

How can a solicitor help?

If you don’t know how to start making a will, a solicitor can help you out. The benefits of hiring a solicitor are:

  • Legal information: There are various formal requirements for making a valid will. If these are not included, the will cannot be enforced after your death. Hiring a solicitor ensures the will aligns with all legal requirements.
  • Final executions: While you have full freedom to include anyone in your will, they have to complete formal requirements for your dependents to claim their inheritance. If you’re unaware of these requirements, you may find it difficult to add the right clauses in your will.
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We strive to get the right results at the right price for our Conveyancing clients. We have a professional, experienced and hands on approach to assist you with all of your legal needs.

Donagh Bradley
Senior Associate

Donagh joined Keenan & Company having worked for four years in a busy General Practise in Dublin and having spent one year working in Vancouver, Canada in the state’s Supreme Court Defence Litigation department. Donagh obtained a Degree in Law with history from UCD in 2013 and qualified as a Solicitor in 2018.

Donagh practises primarily in the areas of Personal Injuries Litigation, Conveyancing & Probate.

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